
Beauty of Nature

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Art of God

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Like the seasons, things change

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Article: Global Warming

Global Warming

Our planet is at the risk of a severe environmental crisis. Environmental issues happening now makes stronger disasters and tragedies than before where some countries are not yet developed. Before countries were developed, the environment is a gift given from one above where tall green trees grow creating beautiful landscapes and vibrant sceneries, and a place that foster harmony and balance, with a splendid spectacle found within its inner sanctum.

In some cities less pollution are emitted by the vehicles before because there are less number of vehicles and some people are used to walk or ride a bicycle rather than vehicles. Also, less trees were being cutted because the human population is not yet increasing. Thus, means low demand of spaces to build homes, buildings and factories.

Today, our environment, from its vibrant look, buildings emerge forming a concrete jungle and a disfigured earth devastated, ruined. We humans are the contributors to these environmental problems. In the end, we are the only ones who will suffer from these environmental problems.

Every changes and development in a country have affiliate effects in the environment. It may be good or bad depending on where the changes takes place. One of these changes is industrialization. In concomitant to the development of industries, there comes bad effects. These includes global warming.

Global warming, an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface. It is the measurable increases in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere. Starting about 200 years ago, the average temperature of earth’s surface has increased from 0.3°c to 0.8°c.

Greenhouse gases retain the radiant energy (heat) provided to earth by the sun in a process known as the greenhouse effect because these gases caused the depletion of the ozone layer. That's why, the heat is trap inside the earth and cannot go back to space causing global warming. Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the mid-1700s, however, human activities have added more and more of these gases into the atmosphere. With more greenhouse gases in the mix, the atmosphere acts like a thickening blanket and traps more heat.

We humans are the major contributors to the caused of global warming. As we burn fossils like oil and coil for energy, these transforms into carbon dioxide gases ( CO2 ) which is one of the greenhouse gases and the primary caused of global warming. Also as we cut down trees and burn forests to create pastures and plantations, and to build homes for the increasing population, to build factories and buildings for the economy, carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulates and overloads our atmosphere. Because there are no trees and plants that manufactures their own food by utilizing or using carbon dioxide (CO2). Moreover, certain waste management and agricultural practises aggravate the problem by releasing other potent greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide. For example, if we burn plastics and rubbers, these transforms into greenhouse gases that aggravates the problem. And the used of chemicals like pesticides and artificial fertilizers in agricultural activities like farming, and the used of aerosol sprays that contains CFC’s ( or Chlorofluorocarbon’s ) also contributes to the distraction of the ozone layer.

As temperature rises, the effects of rising temperature happens. One of the major effects of this problem is ice melting worldwide, especially in the earth’s north and south poles. This includes the melting of mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.
Some species of animals become endangered and extinct due to the changes in their habitat temperatures. These animals were incapable to adapt to their new environment.  Some animals mutates while others can adapt. Also, other animals migrate to other places where their environment are suitable for these animals.

Sea levels continue to rise and became faster over the last century. Low lying areas are now covered up by water.

Precipitation ( rain and snowfall ) has increased across the globe, on average.hurricanes and other storms are becoming stronger. Floods and droughts are longer and later on will be common. Less fresh water will be available.

Ecosystems will change. Some diseases will spread, such as malaria and dengue, and heat related illness such as heat stroke. We humans will starve due to the decrease in agricultural products caused by this problem. A warmer world will be generally be more humid as a result of more water evaporating from the oceans.

Global warming is a big challenge for us humans. There’s a great chance that our current global climate will have a big change in the near future. If we want these bad effects to lessen, then we should act now. First, we must set ourselves for changes. We should change our activities that harms the environment. We can do this in ourselves such as, not burning plastics and rubbers in our homes, recycling non-biodegradable wastes, and not spraying aerosols and strong perfumes that contains CFC’s ( Chloroflourocarbon’s).

All of us wanted a healthy community. In order to reach this goal, as caretakers of this world, we have to embody social responsibilities, to become leaders of ourselves and to lead others as well. With this, we can establish good relationship to our fellowmen and be an agent of change.

Our own wrong doings and practises are the main causes of these environmental problems that we are experiencing nowadays. Let’s be knowledgeable enough to think on other ways on how we can take care of our environment, for whatever wicked actions we’ve done we are still the one to suffer from its unamiable results.

As a part of this ecosystem we can do lots of things to make our world a better place to live in. From its broken vitreous state, let’s look for every broken pieces to be molded again.